Paying a compliment to someone will surely brighten their day. And today is a good day to do it because it is “Pay a compliment” day!
I always enjoy to see the smile a compliment brings to the recipients’ face. People are in such a rush these days. It seems many are in a hurry to complain, but don’t usually take the time to pay a compliment.
Having worked in the retail sector for many years, I know for a fact that compliments are far and few between. I don’t care if I am out and about or on my computer. If someone has given me/ or attempted to, give me good service I always thank them.
I also notice those around me. The mom that is dealing with a tough toddler. The person who obviously took time to look nice before leaving the house. The child waiting patiently or listening to what they are told.
Paying a compliment to all of these people will surely make their day!
Let that mom know how well she is handling the toddler. Let that person know how you love their hair, outfit etc. The child that is behaving will really feel special if you let them know you noticed. It is these small gestures of kindness to compliment others that can totally change their day.
Today I am sharing a card that will tell one of these people know how special they are. Wishing them that, ” May the good you do come back to you,” is fitting for each of them. Although, I am not too sure the child may appreciate it as much!

I used the Two-Tone Flora Bundle
Fancy Flora 6″x6″ Designer Series Paper to create my card.
I added a special touch, Shimmery White Embossing Paste.
The Designer Series Paper haas the look of paint put on with a spackle tool. I just used one of my embossing paste tools to “swipe” on some of the shimmery paste to add shimmer and texture. If you would like more info on creating this card please leave a comment.
Whether you are out & about, at work, or at home be sure to pay a compliment to someone today!
Until we meet again. . .
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